We celebrated my son's 6th birthday last July
and I completely forgot to post it, I blame it on pregnancy brain!
Anyway during the summer Mason was really into the Ghost Buster movie, so I wasn't too surprised when the idea came up. He thinks that it is just hilarious! So we watched the movie again to get some ideas for the party.
Here is a peak at the invite...
There is one part in the movie where Slimer pops out of a hot dog cart with a mouth full of hot dogs, the instant I saw that I knew what we were going to be serving...
A local party/event rental store had a hot dog cart! SO PERFECT!
But is just wouldn't be complete without Slimer!
Slime Dogs!
I filled one of the ketchup bottles with green ketchup (aka: slime). Some of the kids loved it, others thought it was gross!
And you can't have a party without a dessert table anymore, so I did a pretty simple one because I wasn't feeling the greatest around the time of the party.
Slimed ghost cake and cupcakes
Chocolate covered oreos to match the color scheme
Marshmallow Pops

Slime jello
and ghost cake pops
I made silly little faces on each one just for fun :)
We also had some Ectoplasm to drink for those brave few...
I came up with a few activities that tied into the movie for the kids...
The kids built little Marshmallow Men out of toothpicks, various marshmallow sizes and colored them with edible ink markers.
Mason's Mallow Man!
Next was slime!
The kids loved this one! It doubled as an activity and a party favor. They got to make and color their own slime using a few ingredients. Then we put their slime in a little container with a logo to take home later.
Favor table
Ghost trap favor boxes filled with sour gummy candies
Proton Silly String Streams
I also made proton packs for all the kids out of gift boxes and other various items. These were the biggest hit of the party!
The proton cans attached to the triggers on the proton packs so the kids could pull the trigger and out shoot the beams.
All the kids suited up and going Bustin'
Around the corner at the park lurked....
It was SO SO SO fun to watch the kids just attack! Silly string was shooting everywhere!
I think they got him alright!
Well that wraps up the party for the most part. Alot of decorations and ideas were simplified or completely left out because I was just icky, but it turned out fine and all the kids had a blast! But I have to give a HUGE thanks to Jenny of Bloom Designs for all her fabulous custom work on all the party signs and labels! She was so great to work with and her details were amazing! I hope you enjoyed a peak into Mason's 6th birthday party!
Party Styling and photographs: Sweeten Your Day Events
Cake, cupcakes and toppers, treats and cake pops: Sweeten Your Day
Hot Dog cart sign, activity signs, silly string can labels, invites, and cake pop tags: Bloom Designs
Hot Dog Cart Rental: Diamond Rental
Ghost Trap favor box FREE printable: CyberDrone
Ghostbuster costume, adult Marshmallow Man costume, and Slimer: Celebrate Express
Chocolate covered Oreos: Sweeties by Kim
Ectoplasm punch recipe: Recipe.com