Ever since my little girl saw the movie BRAVE, she has been in love with Merida! So it was no surprise what kind of birthday she wanted this year... It was such a fun movie and I was super excited to make it into a party. There are alot of ideas on pinterest that helped spark some thoughts as well!
For the party there were little Will-o-the-wisps leading to a castle entrance into our backyard.
To create the Wisps I used blue cellophane, twist ties, and a wood skewer to hold them in place.

For the activities I based them off of Disney's Highland Games at Epcot for the launch of the Brave movie.
When guests arrived they spun a wheel to see what family they would represent for the games.
I recreated a wheel by covering a cardboard game spinner with pennants I made using good old photoshop.
Once the kids spun the wheel they got a sash and a button with that clan's symbol.
I printed this poster of all the characters to hang by the wheel.
Clan Dingwall
Clan DunBroch - Avery just turned the wheel to Merida :)
Here where each of the buttons and sashes I made for each clan.
The first activity was archery...
I created a target with a fabric back drop, the arrows could shoot through the center so the kids knew when they hit the bullseye.
For the next activity I combined Disney's Haggis Flip and Cake Toss games.
The haggis was made by filling nylons with beans.

For this game we got a board from the hardware store and my sweet hubby cut out the holes. I sketched and painted the triplets on the board and added vinyl names and scores.

For this game we got a board from the hardware store and my sweet hubby cut out the holes. I sketched and painted the triplets on the board and added vinyl names and scores.
Last was the Caber Toss
We used some old cardboard pillars left over from my son's pirate birthday party last year that worked great. They were light enough for the kids to toss but tall enough to make it a challenge.
After the games we all headed inside for some treats...
My sister inlaw works at a movie theater and just happened across these adorable triplet props from the movie just a few days before the party! SWEET! Just LOVE them, they were absolutely perfect for the dessert table!
We stacked the treats on various heights of tree rounds and added greenery to keep with the whole Scottish forest feel from the movie.
Arrow cupcakes
Bear Claw Brownies
Celtic Knot Cookies
Cotton Candy Wisps
Scottish Sweet Buns
...the triplets absolute favorite!
For drinks we served Witches Magical Mystery Brew
After the refreshments the kids headed over to The Crafty Carver to make bear claw necklaces.
Well that is all of it! Thank you for checking out our Brave themed birthday party and sticking through all the pictures! The movie is so cute and we had so much fun playing and recreating some the elements from it! I hope this helps inspire any of you for your own BRAVE celebration.
Party Design and Photographs: Sweeten Your Day Events
Merida Costume and Stuffed Bear Cub Triplets: Disney Store
Bear Claw Necklace Kits: Corps of Re-Discovery
PVC Pipe Bows and Arrows: Backwoods Toys
Castle Corrugated Paper and Cardboard Pillars: Shindigz
Spinner: Oriental Trading
Brave Poster Download: Disney
Celtic Knot Cookies: Sprinkle Bakes -
I couldn't find all the ingredients for that particular recipe, so I just used a sugar cookie one and it worked out great!
Bear Claw Brownies: Spoonful
Bear Claw Brownies: Spoonful
Scottish Sweet Buns: C'est Maman Qui L'a Fait -
English download for the recipe is at the bottom of the post
Witches Magical Mystery Brew: My Recipes