Monday, August 7, 2017

Nerf War Birthday Party

Hello to any SYD readers that may still be around! It has been a long time since I last posted. Life got really busy really fast and I took a much needed break from the party world. Going forth in the future I will do parties and post on here (I still love doing them so much), but it will be not as often as I have loads of other things in my life right now that I need to focus on first. With that being said thank you for taking to time to view and comment, I love reading even though I haven't responded to any in quite a while, I am very sorry! I am going to try and just pick up from where I left off and move forward.

The past couple years my oldest son has wanted to do location parties (water parks, arcades, etc.) so left decorations and such to a minimum so I decided not to post them here. Therefore there is quite the gap from his last birthday party to this one. As it was getting close to his 11th birthday (ummm 2 weeks before his birthday)  we were throwing around some ideas and one he mentioned was having a Nerf war with friends. I totally jumped on that because I knew it was something that I could do from home (aka party planning back on)! With 2 weeks until party day, Amazon Prime and printable downloads from Etsy were my best friends! Here is an overview of the party details...

When kids arrived they suited up for war! Kids picked a weapon, got a pair of safety glasses, a package of bullets, and sash to hold their ammo and guns. 
These sashes were my absolute favorite from Mazzie Mae Boutique!
Safety First!
These packages of bullets and mini guns also served as party favors.
Once they were all ready to go we went outside for a little target practice, then we just let the kids go at it! 
Buckets of bullets were spread throughout the yard to keep them going.
After a couple hours of shooting it up we took a break to freshen up and refuel with some party treats.
The treat table was a quick setup with a few goodies to snack on.
Edible fondant bullets on the cupcakes give it that extra fun touch!

For the center of the table I made a target cake but displayed it standing up.
The table with all the place settings was probably my favorite though...
Using pool noodles and orange construction paper, we created these larger versions of Nerf bullets for the centerpiece.
We also printed off these targets to give each place setting a little excitement, but guests could also take them home for a little extra target practice. I love it when party elements double as decor and function!
That pretty much wraps up our quick little Nerf party, I know it's not the most AMAZING party out there but who said every party has to be a show stopper right!?! Just look at these kids, they had a blast and I'm just grateful to be able to share these memories with them!

Vendor credits:
Party styling and photographs: Sweeten Your Day
Ammo Sashes: Mazzie Mae Boutique
Party Printables: Party Time Kids Co and Hello My Sweet
Safety glasses, Nerf bullets, mini guns: Amazon

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